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We EduTain Libraries,

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"Their listeners have so much fun they don't realize how much they're learning."


                            - New England library director

Red & Yellow Music, Simsbury CT, USA songs from yesterday and today.

Music was a catalyst and witness to decades of

dynamic change that

reshaped America

after World War II. 

Red & Yellow Music, Simsbury CT, USA songs from yesterday and today.

R & Y share the spirit, history and emotion of Great Songs that were the soundtrack for the Greatest Generation and generations that followed.

Red & Yellow Music, Simsbury CT, USA songs from yesterday and today.

We tunefully illustrate

and illuminate the five

unique periods from

1946 to 1966 that rocked

popular music and society.

1946 - 1954   Combos & Solos Set The Stage

1955 - 1958   The Birth Of Rock & Roll

1959 - 1963   Pop Music's Little Big Changes

1963 - 1966   Brits Bring Home U.S. Music

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